Friday, January 25, 2013

Drinking days. Easy money, yo!

After drinking for a whole evening, I thought that I haven't had enough, so we all crashed @ Sull's. The place was nice. You could play the guitar, drink, cook (not meth yo) and smoke inside. After a while the Doves left the place, so what else we could do? Find some fucking more cigarettes, because we were out. Where? First we tried the neighbour upstairs. We knocked for like 5 minutes when someone finally answered. He said that he was not a smoker behind the closed door. Maybe 4 A.M. was not the best time to yell for a cigarette anyways. But we didn't give up. Some kind of bitch lived nearby that Sull knows and we crashed at her place. How?

With a stolen bike.

 Swag yo!

When we reached the bitch's place, we couldn't get in, so we tried the window on 2nd floor. After whispering like some big ass audience @ some 80s rock concert, nobody answered. Even tossing a log and a flower pot to the window didn't have any reactions from inside the house, so we gave the fuck up. On our way back Sull crashed in some car with the bycycle so the licence plate was barely hanging on the bumper. Well, we didn't have cigarettes, but we had some tea and a plastic bottle.

Cooking some tea, yo!

It wasn't that good, so we decided to cook something else. Let's take spaghettis for example. But the truth is that usually men does not belong to the kitchen, especially the ones who aren't good cooks. Especially the ones who aren't good cooks when they are drunk as fuck. The result? Spaghettis would have been just fine if we wouldn't have fucked them up with 6 different flavorings. I know it doesn't sound too badass but the thing is that we like put 40g of them in total, so yeah. Gonna take it easier the next time.

Fucked up spaghettis. You can see how dark the plate above is from flavorings.

The next day we went to get some Silkus again the party continued. Tairi & ? joined us. We played some tunes and started singing karaoke. After that we hit Gen where I had better opponents than me, and it was fucking good! I love fair and equal play. 

Some random relevant shit keeps appearing up. MariƩ is that you?

Finally we met Risko and his friends. Again. We went with them to Pool 6. Kind friends he has that Risko. Alar bought a bottle of Jack and we started playing and singing like maniacs. 

(Very) crappy pic but a good memoir.

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